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Now Enrolling For the first intake of April 2023




Where Aspiring Coaches Reach Excellence In Their Skill

& Success in Their Business  

Become A Certified Inner Leadership Coach

The Inner Leadership Coaching Academy teaches a one of a kind full spectrum approach to coaching that combines powerful coaching modalities to create immense clients transformations .


Gain a whole new level of confidence in your coaching instincts and leadership eradicating self doubt as you learn to trust your unique wisdom.  

Activate your clients greatest potential as you learn 

to hear beyond words, coach beyond the surface conversation and connect to the root of your clients blocks. 

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Your  not  here  to  be  just  another Coach

You didn't come into this space because it's popular, in fact you didn't actually consciously search for the world of coaching. 

It found you. 

Coaching was a calling first before it was a career choice. 

Your life experiences have carved and crafted you into someone who has become a leader, the go to person for friends and peers when they need advice.

You're naturally great at guiding others and have a passion for the study of human behaviour, energetics and all things optimising the human experience.

Now you're ready to take this passion for powerfully impacting other humans lives to a whole

new level. 

Become The Embodiment of An Integral Coaching Leader Whilst simultaneously Leading A Successful Coaching Business 

You have no space to doubt your coaching ability, readiness, or coaching confidence and you never have to ever again as you enter into the complete academy for those who care about walking the talk, becoming masterful coaches and leading a thriving coaching business with the frameworks, support system, community and mentors to assure you succeed. 

The Inner leadership Academy has an integral approach to coaching that offers you the structure, frameworks and support to nurture your own unique genius and find a flow that suits your design so you can confidently lead 3-12 months coaching containers. 

This is not a one size fits all certification, but instead, a space that honours both the art & science of coaching so you can avoid being a carbon copy coach and instead stand out in an ever-growing industry as an embodied thought leader.

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The Inner Leadership Academy is for you if...

  • You are already a coach and you are ready to add a powerful framework and tool kit to enhance your coaching abilities and expand your business impact 

  • You have the calling to become a coach and want to step in the right direction from the start of your journey learning from experienced professionals who can assure you succeed 

  • You want to start a business as a Leadership Coach and 

You are a counsellor, yoga instructor, HD reader ready to grow your skillset and offer an new service to your clients 

We  FEEL YOU! And whether all the above applies to you or just some of it we understand where you're at and  can assure you you're in the right place. 

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Your path to unwavering confidence and a thriving coaching business

This is not your average coaching academy and certification.  The ILA  merges spirituality, energetics practical psychology and strategy into a beautiful step by step experience that will change your life, your business forever.


It’s specially reserved for entrepreneurs like yourself who have a strong vision and aren’t afraid to venture into the places that will challenge you and wake you up to your greatest gifts.


ILA is for those courageous enough to claim their space and take the path less travelled in order to pave a future powerful future for themselves, their clients and their business. 


Are you ready to take what's yours?

What our students say...

I now personally and professionally stand in my power as a coach I communicate with confidence and have created some of the best results for my clients and the best months in my business to date since joining ILA  

Kate Herrick - Women's Confidence  Coach

The ILA changed the game for me as a coach 
the frameworks taught, the support offered and the community of humans I've been able to connect with has increased my coaching skills and confidence to entirely new levels! I also since created, filled and ran my own group coaching course for the first time ever. 

Joe Aston -  Mens Coach

Luke  Levitt  - Personal Trainer

After being a personal trainer for years I knew I had personal skills  but since joining the academy my confidence has skyrocketed. This academy was just as impactful for me personally as it was professionally. 
I know I now have the experience and confidence to go deeper with my clients  & personally I'm showing up to life with a sense of leadership & courage that feels incredible . 

Sara Miller - Human Design 

My client relationships and their results are deeply aligned and transformative, which is a true reflection of the confidence, belief and skills I now hold as a Coach and human.
I expanded into my first ever group programme and hit by far my biggest financial milestones whilst in the academy. 


In addition to building my business and learning during that time, I simultaneously built the lifestyle of my dreams, because business is nothing without the personal fulfilment to match.
Life changing. 
I know people say this but honestly, this academy changed my life on so many levels. 
The community grew into life long friends and the standard of teaching has finally helped me know without a doubt that I'm an incredible coach. 
This experience as set such a high bar for any courses I attend to come and highly recommend it to anyone serious about the personally growth and ready to take their 
coaching & leadership to levels you may have never 
previously imagined. 

Hannah Vernon - Life Coach

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Having been a coach myself for a decade this training gave a me a fresh perspective that truly allowed me to work through blocks I wasn't aware of and pursue goals I'd previously only dream't of

Rory B

This course is timeless. I've been able to come back to the principles and apply them to any area of my life multiple times. 
It's pure expansion of mind and leadership capacity that's led to amazing leaps in my career and personal life. 

Yuliya A

This training gave me a whole new level of confidence to create a life I love. It's allowed me to see so clearly where I've held myself back whilst giving me all the tools I need to make the changes I desired in my life.  

Daniel A

Hands down the best investment I've made all year! Callums leadership style inspired me to level up and finally start seeing my own potential and confidently express this in my career and personal life and relationships. 

Joe Aston

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Callum is the founder of Inner leadership Coaching Academy

an international coaching certification dedicated to raising the standards of the coaching industry creating exceptional coaches 

who create immense impact in the lives of their clients. 

For over a decade Callum has helped men and women become re-engaged with their lives overcoming past blocks, re- creating confidence, clarity and the courage to lead their careers, relationships and wellbeing in ways which truly nourish them and those they love. 

After becoming one of the youngest trainers of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy 10 years ago at 22 years old Callum has since studied and embodied practices in Yoga, Ayurveda & Martial Arts whilst studying practical psychology and teaching and training  coaches, leadership teams and wellbeing professionals

alike in Mindset, Self Mastery and Integral Leadership practices. 

Callum is known for his grounded yet compassionately unfiltered approach to co-creating powerful shifts in his clients, reminding them of who they are, what they are capable of and guiding them to bring this potential to life. 

Callum has certified over 100 coaches and worked 1-1 with over 100 clients. He's Spoken on stage with Europes leading fitness professionals, led Projects with The Telegraph Leadership team, competed in Ninja Warrior UK,  Supported Leading CEOs in a variety of industries and spoke on stage to hundreds of humans. 


Self Mastery System .jpg

Callum is the founder of Inner leadership Coaching Academy

an international coaching certification dedicated to raising the standards of the coaching industry creating exceptional coaches 

who create immense impact in the lives of their clients. 

For over a decade Callum has helped men and women become re-engaged with their lives overcoming past blocks, re- creating confidence, clarity and the courage to lead their careers, relationships and wellbeing in ways which truly nourish them and those they love. 

After becoming one of the youngest trainers of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy 10 years ago at 22 years old Callum has since studied and embodied practices in Yoga, Ayurveda & Martial Arts whilst studying practical psychology and teaching and training  coaches, leadership teams and wellbeing professionals

alike in Mindset, Self Mastery and Integral Leadership practices. 

Callum is known for his grounded yet compassionately unfiltered approach to co-creating powerful shifts in his clients, reminding them of who they are, what they are capable of and guiding them to bring this potential to life. 

Callum has certified over 100 coaches and worked 1-1 with over 100 clients. He's Spoken on stage with Europes leading fitness professionals, led Projects with The Telegraph Leadership team, competed in Ninja Warrior UK,  Supported Leading CEOs in a variety of industries and spoke on stage to hundreds of humans. 


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